3 Reasons to do a Workday Phase 0 Readiness Engagement with Invisors

Phase 0 Workday Project

Many organizations find themselves with legacy ERP systems which rarely achieve the results they're expecting. They deploy the most basic functionality simultaneously with more advanced options in a single, lengthy deployment cycle. In the end, these organizations are left paying for functionality that isn't being used.

Invisors' Phase 0 offers a way to transition from your existing systems to a single, unified system that’s designed for your core business needs, while focusing on the fundamental elements of Workday’s design + preparing your organization for the decisions and change management effort to come. In short - we meet you at the starting line + make sure that you have everything you need before you set off on your implementation marathon.

3 key indicators that you're the perfect candidate for a Phase 0 Readiness Engagement:

#1 |   You know your data could use some (a lot of) help

We say this all the time because we know it to be true - the key to any successful business process is clear + reliable data. 

Whether it be due to the struggles of managing multiple systems, recent acquisitions, or the fact that your data has simply gone stale over time, a phase 0 will put a plan in place to deal with any data gaps and inconsistencies + put you on a path to success.

Invisors uses data discovery as a tool to identify these issues early on and make recommendations on activities that can be taken before + during deployment.


#2 |  You don't know if you will need to hire more support for the Workday implementation process

We understand that your team is already a key component of your success + just because you are starting an implementation project, doesn't mean that their other duties cease to exist. An implementation project requires input from your team around requirements + testing. You may need to stack your bench with a few extra players to make sure that your teams aren't taking their eye off the prize.

A Phase 0 can help uncover bottlenecks + blackout periods before they become an issue during the implementation project.

Invisors can make recommendations on roles that may need to be contracted or backfilled for the project.


#3 You have questions about what success will look like once you are live on Workday

Even if you aren't 100% happy with your legacy ERP system, change can be hard - but it doesn't have to be!

A Phase 0 can help to ease those new-system-nerves. Invisors enables you to get a jumpstart on your implementation by focusing on the most critical + foundational design decisions you'll make. We work with your stakeholders to determine your approach, scope + timeline. This way, when it comes time to take the leap, you'll already have a vision of what success will look like for your organization.

Invisors will equip you with the information you need to make these critical decisions before jumping into the implementation.


Want to learn more about how Invisors can help to accelerate your organization's deployment outcome with our Phase 0 readiness engagement?

Use the form to request a copy of our one-pager with all the details on how we leverage our Workday deployment + project management expertise to address your organization's needs prior to beginning a deployment. Pick one of our most popular packages or learn how we can customize a process that is right for you. 

Download your Phase 0 Accelerator

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